Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Montana, Wyoming, and Colorado!

I havent updated since Ive been in Nicaragua, which seems to be years ago, and yesterday at the same time. I feel like God is wanting me to continue with the this blog, why, I am not sure yet, but here it continues!

After Nicaragua, I had a pretty uneventful month, a lot of reading and praying about what would come next, and what to do at the moment. During my stay in Nicaragua I prayed a lot about where God wanted me to go next. I knew He was telling me that I would move, but I wasn't sure where.
After much uncertainty about Nicaragua being the place, I tried once again for Africa.
Well, not so much fail, just kept on getting "Wait, Samantha, not yet"
Finally after running from what I knew God was saying, I announced Colorado.
Colorado? Colorado?!
I know what you must be thinking, well what everyone around me is thinking," .... what? are you sure?!" I feel as if its one of those moments that we are so focused on our ideas, my own plan, and God shows you something that He wants for you. He keeps saying, I know whats best for you, follow me.
I must admit that I felt like a little kid throwing a temper tantrum,
"God, Colorado? Do you not know me? I will die in the cold!"  "I want to live somewhere else!"
After settling it in my heart, that I was acting like a child, God showed me more and more about Colorado. I feel excitement for it to be Colorado now, and I know God changed my heart about it.
So lately I have been getting prepared as much as I can for the move. I'll be moving back with my parents for a while, and then off to Colorado, in October (hopefully)

Do not get me wrong, at the very base of all this excitement is a feeling of missing everyone. I believe my parents have always seen this coming sooner or later, but I will miss them, and everyone so much.

Another note on what is going on with my life, I just got back from a mission trip to Montana. We worked with a church plant, and helped them put on a VBS for the kids. I found it a great time to learn more and more about depending on God. I will admit, I was indifferent about going to Montana, it was a place I never would have expected to go, and did not expect to love it as much. I knew God wanted me there, and I am so thankful for what He did while I was there. We spent some time in Yellowstone, and did some hiking as well. I was in awe the entire time I was there, seeing the beauty that God created, I kept thinking, how can anyone see this and not believe? Made some great friends, as well. Meredith, another girl that went on the trip as well, and I flew back, our flights were such a mess due to the hailstorm in Denver. Secretly we were hoping to have a little time to explore Denver, but I felt like God was saying "not yet".  Ah patience, not the most fun lesson to learn.

As of now, just still in the process of being faithful with that God has given me. It can be hard sometimes to tell people that I feel as if Ill be moving in a few months.. and really the only thing I know of it, is the state. Oh God puts us in situations where we depend more and more on Him. And isn't it awesome whenever He comes through. Been reading and writing ALOT. Another big thing is I feel as if God wants me to write a book... I keep having thoughts come to my mind such as... "Ah!" Hahaha. But, if it is from God, I know it will all work out.
Anyway, I'm going to try hard to keep this blog up!
