Monday, August 22, 2011

Speeding up, to slow down.

It has been a while, since I've updated, yes.. I said I was going to try and keep it updated. But at least I havent abandoned it!

Things going on- This week consists of moving, new job, attempt to find a car, and other crazy life choices/happenings/decisions. Funny how fast things can speed up.

Central Asia (that would be sawweet)

Mercy, Love, Understanding and the lack thereof. 

Obedience and Disobedience.

Stillness in the midst of busyness.

How overwhelming, yet exciting is it that one could meditate on ONE verse from the Bible, and constantly gain new knowledge from it. 

Words/Verses as of late:


Philippians 4:7
And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

James 5:17
Elijah was a man just like us, he prayed earnestly that it would not rain and it did not rain on the land for three and a half years.

Psalm 20: 7-8
Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God.They are brought to their knees and fall, but we rise up and stand firm.


"Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom."
2 Corinthians 3:17

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

10 down, 2 to go.

I said before I was going to try and keep this blog up, so here I am, an attempt.
Its strange, I feel as if I do not have that much to update on, but yet more at the same time. So here is what has been happening lately:

"the cowardly will not see heaven"
2 Corinthians 3:12-4:2 (v 16)
new job

staying/going, change, cycles, repeating, stopping, boys, feelings, fears and freedom. 

I remember before I moved from Murfreesboro I had this feeling whenever I would drive around, that my life was going to change drastically, that I wouldn't be there much longer. That feeling has made its way back while I'm here, as well. Its not discontentment, just, as if change is in the air. It reminds me of the fourh of july, in a way. Waiting around all that day for the "big event". Lazy times, sitting in plastic chairs, roasting marshmallows, and catching up with family. Slowww times, time passes by slow and easy. Then all of a sudden, HUGE explosions go off that you've been waiting for all day. And both are equally as exciting, its just that feeling of whenever it just starts to get dark, you know its coming. Just a very sudden feeling, overall right now.
I'm sure that didnt make much sense, but sometimes its hard to convey such feelings that are hard to even describe to your self, in a way. 

It reminds me of this verse that God shows me a lot. Isaiah 66:9
almost as if you can see the contractions happening in your life for events that are about to happen. 
Alright, I might getting a little to metaphor happy, but I think I'm expressing myself well enough. 

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Montana, Wyoming, and Colorado!

I havent updated since Ive been in Nicaragua, which seems to be years ago, and yesterday at the same time. I feel like God is wanting me to continue with the this blog, why, I am not sure yet, but here it continues!

After Nicaragua, I had a pretty uneventful month, a lot of reading and praying about what would come next, and what to do at the moment. During my stay in Nicaragua I prayed a lot about where God wanted me to go next. I knew He was telling me that I would move, but I wasn't sure where.
After much uncertainty about Nicaragua being the place, I tried once again for Africa.
Well, not so much fail, just kept on getting "Wait, Samantha, not yet"
Finally after running from what I knew God was saying, I announced Colorado.
Colorado? Colorado?!
I know what you must be thinking, well what everyone around me is thinking," .... what? are you sure?!" I feel as if its one of those moments that we are so focused on our ideas, my own plan, and God shows you something that He wants for you. He keeps saying, I know whats best for you, follow me.
I must admit that I felt like a little kid throwing a temper tantrum,
"God, Colorado? Do you not know me? I will die in the cold!"  "I want to live somewhere else!"
After settling it in my heart, that I was acting like a child, God showed me more and more about Colorado. I feel excitement for it to be Colorado now, and I know God changed my heart about it.
So lately I have been getting prepared as much as I can for the move. I'll be moving back with my parents for a while, and then off to Colorado, in October (hopefully)

Do not get me wrong, at the very base of all this excitement is a feeling of missing everyone. I believe my parents have always seen this coming sooner or later, but I will miss them, and everyone so much.

Another note on what is going on with my life, I just got back from a mission trip to Montana. We worked with a church plant, and helped them put on a VBS for the kids. I found it a great time to learn more and more about depending on God. I will admit, I was indifferent about going to Montana, it was a place I never would have expected to go, and did not expect to love it as much. I knew God wanted me there, and I am so thankful for what He did while I was there. We spent some time in Yellowstone, and did some hiking as well. I was in awe the entire time I was there, seeing the beauty that God created, I kept thinking, how can anyone see this and not believe? Made some great friends, as well. Meredith, another girl that went on the trip as well, and I flew back, our flights were such a mess due to the hailstorm in Denver. Secretly we were hoping to have a little time to explore Denver, but I felt like God was saying "not yet".  Ah patience, not the most fun lesson to learn.

As of now, just still in the process of being faithful with that God has given me. It can be hard sometimes to tell people that I feel as if Ill be moving in a few months.. and really the only thing I know of it, is the state. Oh God puts us in situations where we depend more and more on Him. And isn't it awesome whenever He comes through. Been reading and writing ALOT. Another big thing is I feel as if God wants me to write a book... I keep having thoughts come to my mind such as... "Ah!" Hahaha. But, if it is from God, I know it will all work out.
Anyway, I'm going to try hard to keep this blog up!


Saturday, June 4, 2011


Not even two months ago, I was in Managua, Nicaragua. A team from my church came down for a week long trip. It was my teams first day in this country, and we were all bright eyed about being in a new place. We worked with a girls home, earlier that morning we went to a church that has my heart, El Faro, and then had an afternoon of fellowship. We went to the Managua mall, walked around a bit and then watched a movie.
What does this have to do with your trip now, you may be asking?
I will tell you!

The last time I was walking around the mall, I was battling some serious issues in my heart. Heartache, and honestly I wanted to cry the entire time I was watching Rango (in Spanish that is). I wanted to turn around and go home. My heart was in my stomach, and I was hurting.

Today we went back to the mall, walked around for a bit before settling into the theater. Being in the same area made all those feelings rush back in. Memories of what had my heart so tangled kept replaying in my mind.

"That was two months ago Samantha"
"Haven't you grown since then?"
"Havent you changed?"

Before we got to our seats, I prayed.
"God, I know you can help me overcome this."
"God, I know I am overcoming this."
"Please help me have victory in this struggle"

We made it to our seats, and I felt a peace. I sat with one of my roommates, giggling and laughing. I felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders. I enjoyed the movie, and wasn't wanting to cry the entire time. I had faith, contentment, and joy.

Psalms 30:11-12
You turned my wailing into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy, that my heart may sing to you and not be silent. O LORD my God, I will give you thanks forever.

Friday, June 3, 2011


The past few days have been  life as normal. Reading, church, working at E Puente, and finally got the light box done! It was nice getting it done, because apparently Sarah had been wanting one for a while, so it nice getting something done for her that she has been wanting. Its getting hotter here, it seems. As if that was possible.

I havent updated in a while, mainly because life is.. getting routine here, and what could feel like "normal". Which is good, because teams are coming, and apparently that is a hectic week, a mess up to my normal :) So its a good week before that. I have about 12 or so days until I come home. Crazy huh?

Another reason I haven't updated in awhile, is because I feel like what God has been showing me, and teaching me might be a little personal for a blog. But as much as I preach transparency, I need to practice what I preach. So here are some thoughts, and notes from my journal.

Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. Matthew 6:33

And the peace of God transcends all understanding. Philippians 4:7

"You do not have in mind the things of God, but the things of men..." Mark 8:33

Be comfortable, and be content with my own identity. I might seem boring, because I'm quiet and serious. Because the majority of my conversations are centered on God, and the other percent is on politics, documentaries, foreign affairs, and artistic nature. But that's how God made me..
Genesis 1:27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.

Constant renewal of your mind.  Romans 12: 2 Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

An excitement, a feeling of seeking, searching, and growing. That I am part of a journey to have the most amazing relationship, to get to know Love even more day by day.

And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit. 2 Corinthians 3:18

Sunday, May 29, 2011


Yesterday was a pretty relaxed day, staying in, reading, and went out to our friends dance performance. It was a traditional performance of Nica dance. Very... well, it was pretty much the same dance for an hour. But still, it was nice being asked to go, and it was nice just being part of it.

Today we went to the beach. We packed up and caught a few different buses, got to the beach, and it was so beautiful.
On the way to the beach, I had thoughts surfacing that I knew I should get out of mind right away.
Impatience for things that God has shown me.
Starting to worry about going home.
To no job, no money, and not knowing what comes next.

After playing in the water for a bit, I cozyed up in this hammock and started to read. God was showing me so many amazing things in His word, but these thoughts kept creeping back in.
And He said look around.
And I saw the waves crashing together, the horizon line, and the infinite amount of sand.
And God said:

While looking at the horizon line, so far that I couldn't see into its end.
Psalms 103:12
12 as far as the east from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us

While looking at the waves crashing together, so close I could smell the salt.
Job 38:8-11
8 “Who shut up the sea behind doors
   when it burst forth from the womb,
9 when I made the clouds its garment
   and wrapped it in thick darkness,
10 when I fixed limits for it
   and set its doors and bars in place,
11 when I said, ‘This far you may come and no farther;
   here is where your proud waves halt’?

And when looking at the sand, infinite in number.
Psalms 139:17-18
17 How precious to me are your thoughts, God!
   How vast is the sum of them!
18 Were I to count them,
   they would outnumber the grains of sand—
   when I awake, I am still with you

And I almost had to laugh out loud. Looking around where I was at, wondering about my future. God has taken care of me through everything. He has "taken me out of Egypt" and through every single struggle, every tear and heartache. He healed it all. He isn't going to stop here.

It’s Your love that we adore
It’s like a sea without a shore
We’re lost in You, we’re lost in You
It’s Your love that we adore
It’s like a sea without a shore
We’re lost in You, we’re lost in You

Friday, May 27, 2011


Wednesday we went to the train station, after Bible study.Where my roommate has been building relationships with these sweet little kids. We sat by the lake and played with them. The barrios line beside the lake, its really... pretty actually. They played with our digital cameras, taking pictures.

And I started thinking about these verses:

And calling to him a child, he put him in the midst of them and said, “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. “Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me, but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea.
(Matthew 18:2-6 ESV)

I loved sitting with those children, playing with them, and thinking to myself, "What can I do to be more like them?" To have a more childlike faith for my Father. To have a more childlike attitude in this life. Those children had such a beauty, a freedom.
How children go to their parents whenever in need, their dependence is on someone else.
   And isn't that how we should be with out Father? Depending on Him for everything, instead of depending on ourselves? How amazing that is, that we have a Father that provides, and wants us to come to Him. For EVERYTHING.

How children have so little worry about "tomorrow', about the future. Playing with bubbles, and putting glitter in someones hair, is top priority.
  And I'm not saying we shouldn't look to the future, but God wants us to trust in Him, so that the future isn't a worry, or burden to us.

Yesterday I  helped with the Jicaro project in the morning. Walked around town trying to finish the light box for Sarah, which is always interesting. I love seeing more about how things are done here, and I like it. Walk into a house, or an alley to find wood, or  get such and such done. Its a different life style, and parts of it are growing on me.

Today we had Bible study, it was completely in Spanish, but it was amazing how God still said what I needed to hear in that time. Afterward I helped sort through some children's ministry supplies.I'm excited to see what is left in the rest of the time that I have here.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Sunday was a lazy day, I wasn't feeling the best, again. So I just laid around and read.
Thank God, I think this sickness has finally seen its days!
Monday I went and worked with the Jicaro project, and had dinner with the roommates.

(here is a link to my pictures

Today, we went to the dump again, and served the people. As I have talked about the dump before, its a hard place to explain. The people are hardened, but still smile. Have hard stories, but are still able to laugh.
And today, as we are driving into the dump, I had so many thoughts in my head.
These people live in trash.
They work in trash.
They smell trash all the time.
But, isn't that where you and I are?
 This isn't our home, this isn't our place to "store" things. And isn't that great? Everything thing here can be taken away in an instance, and we have an eternal Love.
And then I had the thought, what if I lived here? What if I lived, and worked in this trash? Where would my faith be? Would I really be able to say how great God is, if I lived in this trash? We tend to look at the poor of the world, as a way that they have so much to change. So much that they NEED, that they have to HAVE.

Do they really?

James 2:5
Listen, my dear brothers: Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom He promised those who love him?

Isn't that amazing? Isn't that great that those who are "poor" in earthly things, are rich in Heavenly things? Isn't that what we all strive for? Faith, and a relationship with God? To be like Christ? It made me look to those, and see how RICH they are. How we should all strive to have such a faith, where we can live without, but say how rich we are, because we have Jesus.

Saturday, May 21, 2011


Yesterday we had Bible study, went out to eat and had a good time together playing cards.
Today my good friend Ros who lives in Managua came up to Granada and we spent the day together. We sat in a little cafe and talked for a while, went to the lake, and then to have lunch. Went to some art galleries, and then to the prayer house at El Puente. It was such a nice day, being with such a good friend, getting to talk and enjoy each others company, especially one that doesn't very close.

Today, and yesterday as I was walking around, I kept thinking how funny God can be sometimes. How little we are in our minds, in trying to figure things out. With how many things we NEVER see coming, whenever its right in front of our faces the entire time. Or, with things that we have SO figured out, and it never happens the way we imagine. We need guidance that desperately.

Whenever I was in Managua in March, we spent one day in Granada, as a free day. I loved the city right away. I love Managua, but I loved Granada in a different way. I remember telling one of my friends, as I was walking down one of streets, "I could see myself living here!" Its funny walking down some of the streets that I did just a few months ago, and the thought never came into my head that I would be living here for a period of my life. I had a different agenda, I had a different plan. But God's plan for me far exceeded anything that I could dream up. He knew what was best for me that day, when I had that little thought of wanting to live here.
Its awesome seeing those things that God does. Those places He puts you, that when looking back, it seems so simple. And it can be, if we let God direct us there.
So as I'm walking down the streets today, I kept having these thoughts, what other amazing things are you getting started God? How exciting it all is!

Thursday, May 19, 2011


Yesterday we had church, went to the train station, one of the poorer areas of Granada and played with the kids there. I went around town with Fransisco to find somethings for a light table for Sarah for the art projects that she is working on. It was nice seeing different areas of town. Its nice seeing how things are done here. Different! Going to the hardware store, the glass store, and looking for wood... all very different. Rode a bike Nica style! Today worked with the art stuff more, and ate at Garden Cafe, its so yummy!
I'm loving moments like these
Where God shows me love 
Love that can happen in the matter of a few hours.
(Ashley from the train station)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


 Posting about a few days together!

Saturday was a great day. The roommates and I went out to dinner at Claudias (a place we frequent, its yummy!) And then to one of the local churches that has a tower where you can see above Granada. Its one of the many Catholic churhes, and it was interesting, because I have never been inside of a a "real" Catholic church. It was nice getting to the top of the tower and getting to see the town from that view, and take pictures. Afterwards, we went to Charles and Sarah's house, the ones that run the ministry that I'm working with, watched a movie, and ate some dinner. It was a great day of fellowship, and enjoying the town that I now live in. (I think its finally hitting me that I -live- here)
It made me think a lot about contentment, thankfulness, and joy.
Striving to thank God for EVEYTHING. Finding Joy at all times, being content, and realizing its not this world that makes me happy but Him.
So yesterday I realized that even the things that I could be angry about, God can bless me with.
Thank God that the cockroaches that are in the house.... arent in my bed!
Thank God that the rain that will more then likely be here until I leave, will keep me cool.
Thank God for when the water is off for the majority of the day, I appreciate it that much more when its on!
Thank God that even though I'm so far from home, I am with a great group of people, that have shown great kindnesses to me.
Thank God for the miles that I walk daily, because I am able to, and feel the sun on my face. 

Sunday we had church service, and it was the first "real" rain day. The town is completely different apparently when it rains. Much quieter, and not many people get out. But it was awesome to see many Nicas "brave" the rain and get out and we had a great service.
I absolutely love Nica church services, as I have said before, so much energy, dancing and completely concern for God, not anyone else. Different then America. Freedom in these churches. If you move from your seat, thats ok. If you dont clap in sync with the person next to you, thats ok to! I wish churches in America found this freedom. Its about Jesus, not how great the music sounds or what song is playing. I was definitely feeling Gods presence in that church. But with that being said, I found myself getting a little aggravated that I couldn't join in to. That I couldn't sing with everyone that was as excited. Then I realized that I was joining with them, that feeling Gods presence was being with Him, and with them. That when I go home, and sing praise songs in English, I'm going to sing at the top of my lungs (even though I ALWAYS would sing quietly, out of fear) just because I CAN.

Monday I worked in the Jicaro project pretty much all day. Spent some time in the Prayer House, and had Bible study with the ladies that I have made friends with here. Its awesome how I saw God teaching me things from every thing that I was a part of yesterday. I work with the pastors wife in the Jicaro Project, and she is an amazing lady. I'm learning a lot from her, patience, grace, and mostly, how to be who God made you. How to embrace, and refine what God has given you. She has these amazing talents that she has recognized, and grown, she has embraced who God made her to be, and she is such a beautiful person. After a long day working with Jicaro I spent a few hours in the Prayer House. Doing a lot of praying, seeking, asking, and crying out to God about something that I have been seeking for a while. God gave me some direction, and because He is so awesome.
At the Bible study, He gave me MORE. The Bible study is most of the time done in Spanish, but this time, it just happened to be all "Gringas" (us American girls) that showed up. :) My roommates mother is visiting and she lead us in a prayer, that is supposed to help you focus on God, be quiet, and hear from Him. We all had a moving time, and got to connect with each other And God gave me more direction on what I was seeking.

Today I went to the Granada dump again. Its different then the one in Managua, in a ... different way. Thats pretty much how to explain it. Same sadness though. Today was different to, my roommates dad was asked to share a message, and he shared a great passage. He shared about how the greatest commandment was Loving God, and others.

Mark 12:29-31
 29 “The most important one,” answered Jesus, “is this: ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one.[a] 30 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’[b] 31 The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[c] There is no commandment greater than these.

The people make their living out of the garbage dump, finding things that can be sold. The ministry I am working with takes food once a week, and the Gospel. The trucks will come in filled with garbage, and the people work, finding what can be used. Because of this type of work, sometimes people will come in late when we are serving. The meals that we serve are sometimes the only meals that they will eat for that day. Today, there was one man that came in very late, after everything was already served, no food was left for us to give out. And someone else gave half their share to him.

Friday, May 13, 2011


I havent updated in a while, because I've been sick. Mainly just doing the Jicaro art project some during the day, Bible studies,  and staying in, trying to get better. Its definitely been interesting. Ive been sick for a few days, and finally had to go to the doctor. Praise God it went well! I had to go alone, with my limited Spanish, and no sense of direction, but my roommates gave me some good pointers before I had to go.

If your wondering what I'm sick with, I have a parasite. Apparently, a pretty nasty one. I'm actually not that surprised, not that the food is nasty here, its just... different. But I started thinking of the word parasite, how nasty the word is, and how nasty the meaning is, how nasty is it having one. It is, isn't?

Definition of PARASITE

: a person who exploits the hospitality of the rich and earns welcome by flattery
: an organism living in, with, or on another organism in parasitism
: something that resembles a biological parasite in dependence on something else for existence or support without making a useful or adequate return 
A parasite is something that lives and feeds off of its host without returning anything useful, its dependence is complete on the host, but is completely harmful to it, (trust me  :). 
It makes me so thankful that our God is our Host, and that  He is our dependence, but unlike a parasite, we can latch on and instead of finding harm, we find freedom, and that God WANTS us to have Him for our support and existence.

It might be a weird analogy, but isn't also nice that even in sickness, and things as nasty as parasites, we can see the beauty of God?

Sunday, May 8, 2011


I just realized, I'm not sure if it actually IS day six. :) well.. thats what im going with.
Its 8:30 here, and I should be in bed. thats right. in bed. I have to get up at 5:30 because of a staff meeting and then I'm pretty busy all day.
Saturday was a good day, the team has been working on a 5K race to raise money for the Vida Joven (Young Life) ministry for about 3 months, so I attended that, and it was a great success for them! They had about 300 runners, and it was nice seeing a little of the behind the scenes and the actual event. After that everyone rested and had a nice day at la casa ;) because it was an early morning. Today we stayed in, and I read pretty much all day, and had a family dinner... friend dinner? Did some laundry. It was nice, knowing the busy week that is ahead.

I've been thinking about the "lesson" that God has shown me over the past two days to blog about.
I am so excited to say, that its to numerous to even begin to explain what God has shown me over the past two days, let alone week. Somethings that I have been struggling with for a while, somethings I did not realize I was, and somethings I do not want to let go of.........yet :). But how excited I am that I have a God that guides me.

I'll post some pictures of yesterday when I'm not up past my bedtime, and can figure out how!

Friday, May 6, 2011


Yesterday was a little more relaxed, I stayed in a did a lot of reading and studying, and then went to the Jicaro Project and worked with that.(The amazing artisan project) Had dinner with the family that stayed with us for a bit. They were traveling from San Juan to Costa Rica, it was a nice day. Today we went to church this morning, and worked with the Jicaro project some more, helped our newest member to the "community house" move in, and later we might go the Vida Hoven's Ralley for the 5K marathon they are having tomorrow to raise money.

 So church has recently been held all in Spanish. But its very lively, very Nicaraguan. Lots of clapping (not always together, because that doesnt matter) whistling, and yelling. But its awesome, you can tell its all in praise. This morning I was a little frustrated, I wanted so bad to understand. To understand the message, to understand when other people talk to me. Honestly, I was getting annoyed. Then God reminded me of the second night I was there. One of the workers they have at El Puente, took me out to the Prayer House. We started a conversation that turned into his testimony, through his extremely limited English and my extremely limited Spanish (and I mean extremely limited) but God wanted His story told. He wanted us to share how amazing He is, and He accomplished it. Language didn't get in the way. In that church service I did get the message, what God wanted me to hear that morning. That God will overcome this language barrier, and its ALL for His glory.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


At the request of a few people, I'm going to try and keep a blog going. It will probably be short, but I will try and keep things updated. 
I'm staying in Granada, Nicaragua for a month an a half. I'll be living with a married couple that are in their twenties, and another girl that is 21. 
Everything went pretty well planning for this trip, surprisingly well actually. I didnt go through any bouts of nerves, considering how the trip was planned. I knew God wanted me to go back to Nicaragua at some point, only I had no idea which ministry I was to work with, who I was going to work with, or where I would stay. So basically after I returned from my trip to Managua, I  started planning another trip. I knew I was supposed to go somewhere for a month in May. I'll admit, at first I attempted to go to another place I feel called to, Africa, but at the bottom of my heart, I knew God wanted me back in Nicaragua. I found a ministry online, and started things with them. 
 Whenever I tell people, you just found them online? Is usually their response, with a "your crazy" look. "You mean, youve never met them?", "Your going to live with who? Oh, you dont know...." 
I know, and it never seemed THAT crazy to me, granted, I have friends in Nicaragua, and our church has people they know, so in case something did happen, I  am not completely alone.
I do not condone this for everyone in anyway.
This could be completely foolish for some people.
But I was sure what God was leading me into. I knew it was right, I had contact with these people, I knew God was saying this is where I need to be.
Until I was about to land in Managua, I had been excited about all of this, then I realized, I cant get out of it. I was scared. What if I was wrong?
Then all these verses came into my head.

Matthew 28:19" Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit"

Hewbrews 11:8-10

 8 By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going. 9 By faith he made his home in the promised land like a stranger in a foreign country; he lived in tents, as did Isaac and Jacob, who were heirs with him of the same promise. 10 For he was looking forward to the city with foundations, whose architect and builder is God. 

Genesis 12 (chapter)
1 The LORD had said to Abram, “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you.

Its all pretty vague, isnt it? Go, and then I will show you. Sometimes I feel like God will leave out details to let us trust Him more. The belief that what He has planned for us IS good, without having to know everything. "the devils in the details" huh?

On another note, I like it here. Some things are frustrating, I need prayers for learning Spanish quickly. It can be frustrating to be out of a conversation for quite sometime. If any of you know me well enough, Prayers for a sense of direction would be nice as well. Within the day and a half Ive been here Ive been pushed to learn directions to my house, and the ministry. But overall its nice, I feel very much like I "live" here already. I was given a set a keys, Ive got a phone, and my own room. Prayers for unity among the people I live with is very much appreciated.